
Why Some Employers Now Care More About Skills Than Degrees

Jan 23, 2023 Share
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According to a study from the New York Federal Reserve Bank, only 27% of college graduates work in the field they studied. This means nearly 3 out of every four people have jobs in industries which they have little or no educational background in.[1]

Today’s ever-evolving technological landscape has paved the way for people to gain more knowledge and skills outside of the traditional education system and apply those skills to a wide array of jobs.

This is good news for job seekers, as many employers now place a higher level of importance on skills and experience than they do on formal education. Many companies are now looking for candidates who, with some training, can hit the ground running and become productive members of the team immediately…

Regardless of their educational background.

This is why you shouldn’t feel pigeonholed when searching for a job. In fact, can connect you with employers across a wide array of fields who may be looking for the very skills you already have, regardless of your educational background.

Here are some reasons employers now care more about skills than degrees:

A More Competitive Job Market

In a more competitive job market, employers are increasingly interested in finding workers with the right skills for the job, rather than those who simply have a college degree. With so many educationally qualified candidates competing for jobs, employers can be more selective in their hiring.

For instance, a candidate may have a degree in business, but if they don’t have the specific skills required for the job they’re applying for, like being an expert at Microsoft Excel, they may not be the best candidate for the position. However, an expert at Microsoft Excel, who has no college degree, might be.

Many Alternatives to Formal Education

Moreover, there has been a surge in the number of high-quality alternatives to formal education. Bootcamps, online courses, and other programs, like those in a technical school, can give you the specific skills you need without requiring a four-year degree.

If you’re interested in gaining the kinds of in-demand skills that many employers are looking for, visit

School Match Pro offers free resources for matching students to colleges, tech academies, trade schools, bootcamps and more. If you’re looking to launch a new career, chances are, School Match Pro has the programs and skills schools that can help get you there.

Experience Has Become More Valuable

As mentioned, college degrees have become more common, and thus, employers have had to change what they’re looking for in order to find the best candidates. They now place more value on experience, which can be gained in a number of ways.

Many internships are now becoming paid positions, so you can gain work experience while still completing your degree, licensing requirements or skills school program. Employers are also starting to look for candidates who have taken the initiative to complete online courses or receive certification in certain areas.

Skills Can Be Assessed More Accurately

Hiring managers can more accurately assess whether an applicant has the skills they need for a job by looking at their work history and accomplishments, rather than just their degree. For example, if you’re applying for a job as a web developer, your potential employer is going to care more about whether you have experience coding in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript than whether you have a degree in computer science.

The skills that are required for a particular job can change over time as technology advances, which means that even if someone has a degree in the field, they might not have the most up-to-date skills.

For example, a degree in graphic design from 15 years ago might not be as helpful today as it would have been then, because the software and techniques used in the industry have changed so much. But now, for someone with good experience with modern design tools, that degree may not be as necessary as the actual skillset.


In the past, a college degree was seen as the key to success in getting a good job. However, many employers now place more importance on skills than degrees. There’s now more of an interest in the applicants’ skills than where they went to school, or what grades they got.

Like we said earlier, you don’t have to feel stuck in the field you studied in school. If you have the skills employers are looking for, don’t be afraid to submit your resume.

Right now, has hundreds of jobs available from employers who greatly value skills over degrees.

To connect with them, all you need to do is go to and use the search bars. Type in the kinds of jobs you’re interest in, in any location in America, and a world of opportunity will open for you.

While you’re there, be sure to sign up for free daily job alerts that match your search criteria. Or you can simply register right here – GET FREE JOB ALERTS!

Remember, only 27% of today’s workforce is employed in positions they studied in college. This means there could be hundreds of different jobs you qualify for, so long as you have the skills!

[1] How Many People Use Their Degrees in 2022? – EarthWeb