
What are “Soft Skills”… And Can You Land a Better Job if You Have Them?

Sep 14, 2023 Share
multiracial business team having a meeting

Your resume may be loaded with job experience, responsibilities, achievements, educational attainments, and technical know-how. You may have a wide array of licenses and certifications, and you may have been an essential part of your last company’s team…

And your resume may be perfectly written and should be eye-popping to many hiring managers.

But you may still be getting passed over for “lesser” candidates.

One reason may be a lack of soft skills. These are transferable skills that today’s modern employers are really searching for… especially if you plan on completely changing your field of work to something entirely new.

If you’re looking for a new job, either in an industry you currently work in, or are searching for something in a new line of work, makes the process of finding a new job a snap. Just use the search bars! We’ll show you how in a moment.

Now, hopefully you have some of the transferable, soft skills we’ve listed below. They’ll give you a better chance at landing a job you once thought out of reach. But before we list these transferrable, soft skills, we have to know what the term means in the first place, right?


As the Economic Times puts it, “Unlike field-specific technical skills like coding or designing, transferable skills are a bunch of common skills required for every job role.

“Smoothly collaborating with others, effectively communicating your ideas, quickly making the right decisions in adverse situations, and finding the root cause of problems are some of the must-have transferable skills.

“In short, your arsenal should be equipped with such skills that can facilitate your transition from one role or field to another.”[1]

In short, transferable, soft skills are exactly like they sound, skills that transfer across jobs.

In a Forbes article titled “Why Soft Skills Are More In Demand Than Ever,” the publication said, “Soft skills provide career longevity… Technical capabilities can only take you so far in your career. To really sore, you need skills that are harder to measure but critical to success.”[2]

So, what are these hard to measure skills that are critical to success?

Here’s a list of nine of the most in-demand soft, transferable skills… the more you have the more in demand you’ll be to employers!

1: Teamwork: if you work well with others, can resolve conflicts in the group and take accountability, you have this soft skill.

2: Problem Solving: Taking the initiative to analyze an issue and figure out a solution means you’re a problem solver.

3: Work Ethic: Always getting to work on time while being a professional and reliable go-getter shows you mean business.

4: Time Management: Making the most of your shift while planning ahead and setting goals means you have this soft skill.

5: Adaptability: Being flexible and unafraid of change is a major soft skill that shows you’re up to any task.

6: Leadership: Perhaps one of the greatest soft skills of anyone looking to become a manager.

7: Communication: If you can clearly, concisely express your ideas, while simultaneously accepting ideas of others, you may be a good communicator.

8: Emotional Intelligence: You’re self-aware, don’t fly off the handle and have great social skills even in rough circumstances.

9: Creativity: You brainstorm, have a job focused imagination and are curious about how to best get things done. A fantastic soft skill for everyone.

Now, these are just some of the soft skills employers are looking for today. Like the Forbes article says, soft skills are in more demand than ever. So, if you have any of these soft skills (the more the better) you’re giving yourself a leg up on the competition.

Now you’ve got to find that job you want.

Here’s how: Simply visit’s homepage, enter the job you’re looking for in the “Job Description” search bar, the area you want to work in the “Location” search bar…

And there you go!

It’s as simple as that.

Oh, and don’t forget to sign up for the free job alerts. Once a job that fits your description becomes available, we’ll email you the details asap.

Good luck.

[1] These transferable skills will help you swiftly switch from one job to another – The Economic Times (

[2] Why Soft Skills Are More In Demand Than Ever (