
The Rewards of Nonprofit Jobs

Dec 13, 2022 Share
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If you’re passionate about a particular cause and want to work for the common good, a nonprofit job may be right for you. The rewards for working at a nonprofit organization, however, can go far beyond transforming shared beliefs and hopes into results.

In fact, by searching the nonprofit sector tab at, you may discover that working a nonprofit job may also reward you with a fantastic salary and benefits package, all while you help change the world!

Now, many people working in the “for-profit” sector have a big misconception about nonprofit jobs, namely that they don’t pay very well. But, as the Bureau of Labor Statistics recently pointed out, the median salary of a full-time US worker across all sectors of the economy is $55,640.[1]

But according to, salaries for nonprofit or social services workers range from $27,000 to well over $300,000, with the average annual pay at a strong $58,114 per year.[2]

Clearly, the “low pay” misconceptions of nonprofit jobs are, well, misconceptions. Of course, just as in the for-profit sector, nonprofit organizations offer a wide array of jobs with a wide array of compensation packages. But as the data show, nonprofit jobs can pay you just as much, if not more, than the average job…

While giving you the opportunity to help change the lives of others.

You’ll find that in the nonprofit sector, there are three basic jobs categories. On-the-ground operations, enabler roles and administration.[3]

Common jobs in the “on-the-ground” category include Surveyors, Field Officers, Trainers, and Moderators.

Surveyors conduct field research and produce surveys in their assigned beneficiary areas, while Field Officers work hand-in-hand with the beneficiaries of the organization.

Trainers teach, coach, educate and instruct the people who work directly with the organization’s beneficiaries, while Moderators act as a liaison between the beneficiaries and the organization.

In the “Enabler Role” category, common jobs include Domain Experts, Analysts, Researchers, Public Policy Experts, Advocacy Leads, Communications Specialists, Campaign Managers, Program Managers and Fundraisers.

Domain Experts are subject matter experts who help guide projects and goals of the organization, while Analysts review policy, data, case evidence and create models to help improve the organization’s decision-making process.

Researchers compile the field data and case evidence to generate insights about the organization’s cause and its outcomes for its beneficiaries, while Public Policy Experts provide guidance and policy directives in conjunction with local, state, or federal governments.

An Advocacy Lead generates visibility for the organization through publicity campaigns, while Communications Specialists develop collateral for the public, the news media, and the organization’s donors.

Campaign Managers formulate marketing campaigns, while Program Managers lead and coordinate the end-to-end initiatives of the organization. Fund Raisers are responsible for building relationships with donors, helping to capitalize the organization.

Administrative roles at nonprofit organizations include bookkeeping and accounting, daily office operations management, senior management, directors, and executives.

As you can see, there are a number of different roles at nonprofit organizations, ranging from entry level jobs to CEOs. With the average salary at nonprofits coming in at a very competitive $58,114 (with some positions paying upwards of $300,000), working at a nonprofit can offer you the chance to affect real change, while being nicely compensated for your efforts.

If you’ve found your passion, and helping others is your goal, Head on over to  to see which non profit jobs are available in your area.

While you’re there, be sure to sign up for free alerts on new nonprofit job openings. When a nonprofit job that fits your criteria opens up, you’ll be among the first to know about it!

[1] Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers Third Quarter 2022 (

[2] Salaries for Non-Profit and Social Services Jobs |

[3] Is a Nonprofit Job Right for You? (