
The 10 Industries With The Most Job Openings

Jun 29, 2023 Share
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Right now, there are over 10 million jobs that need to be filled across America. This amazing number of available jobs represents among the highest amount of job openings in our history, and employers are more than eager to fill these positions.[1]

In fact, employers in the network are so eager to higher, many are willing to pay a premium for your services. You see, according to Trading Economics, wages are up over 5% since this time last year, and the growing demand for employees like you means wages could go even higher.[2]

This means you’ve got big bargaining power!

So, if you’re looking for a new job, now’s the time to find one. But before we discuss the 10 industries with the most job openings, you should know that very likely has jobs in these industries available for you to see, right now.

As we get into the 10 industries with the most job openings, keep in mind that these are industries, not particular jobs. Within each of these industries are many different positions, with many different responsibilities, requiring many different levels of experience.

However, some jobs within these industries may require little or no experience at all to get a job. They do, however, require you to apply for them, and we’ll show you how in just a minute.

First, the 10 industries with the most job openings, according to the latest data, and ranked by availability are:[3]

Education and Health Services: 2,097,000 open positions

Trade, Transportation and Utilities: 1,765,000 open positions

Professional and Business Services: 1,748,000 open positions

Leisure and Hospitality: 1,377,000 open positions

Government: 963,000 open positions

Manufacturing: 676,000 open positions

Financial Activities: 513,000 open positions

Construction: 383,000 open positions

Services (other): 376,000 open positions

Information: 174,000 open positions

These 10 industries alone account for over 9.4 million of the 10.1 million job openings in the USA. So, chances are, if you’re interested in working in one of these industries, and are looking for a new job, there could be one available in your area.

The best way to find one is by using the advanced job search technology. Even better, it’s FREE!

Simply go to the homepage, input the kind of industry (or specific job) you’re looking to work in, inside the “Job Description” bar, then use the “Location” search bar, and put in where it is that you want to work… and hit “View Jobs.” That’s it!

Now, if you’re looking for remote work, simply type “remote” into the “Job Description” bar…

And you may see dozens of jobs, if not more, that are available for you to apply for.

Like we said earlier, the employers in the network are eager to hire. So even if you’re content with the job you already have, you should consider searching for a new job anyhow. With wages rising, and your services in high demand, you may be able to find a job you like even more than the one you already have, and it could pay even better to boot.

Good luck!

[1] Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary – 2023 M04 Results (

[2] United States Wages and Salaries Growth – May 2023 Data – 1960-2022 Historical (

[3] Monthly job openings by industry U.S. April 2023 | Statista