
Should You Apply For a Job In Person, or Online?

May 8, 2023 Share
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The world has changed drastically over the past few years. Today, with new technology, you can find almost any job, in almost any field, almost anywhere in the world.

You see, websites that use modern job-search technology, like, are capable of giving job seekers the ability to find and apply to an incredible number of jobs, nearly instantly, every day of the week, right from their mobile phones.

However, there are still many “old school” folks who are tech averse and prefer to apply for a job in person. Which begs the question: Should you apply for a job in person, or online?

And do employers really care if you show up unannounced?

Well, today, we’ll get into just that!

Now, this may sound obvious, but hiring managers are very busy people. When they post a new job opening, they receive an average of 250 resumes or applications. Of these 250 people, the hiring manager will interview only 4 to 6 of them.[1]

If the company has, say, 10 job openings, that means the hiring manager may have to review 2,500 resumes or applications, and interview 40-60 people. That takes a lot of time, and a lot of work.

So, it would make sense for you to show up in person and talk to the hiring manager directly… skip the line, right?

Wrong. Well, mostly wrong.

You see, because they’re so very busy, most hiring managers do not have the time to talk with walk-ins. In fact, they’re so busy, they generally only give six or seven seconds to review each resume or application that’s in their stack.[2]

Most employers would rather you not show up unannounced. If you disrupt their busy day, you’re putting them way behind their work schedule, a schedule that they have to keep very tight. So, if you do show up unannounced, chances are they won’t invite you into their office for a chat.

You’re more likely to be handed an application at the front desk, and sent away…

With that application ultimately ending up at the bottom the hiring managers stack, below with the hundreds of other applications.

However, this is not always the case.

If you personally know the hiring manager, the owner, or if the business has a “help wanted” sign hanging out front for everyone to see, applying in person is probably a good idea.

But, if you don’t know the hiring manager, owner, and the business is not displaying a “now hiring” sign, you’re almost always better off applying online.

Landing a job is a numbers game. On average it takes between 21 to 80 job applications to get one job offer.[3] So, unless you’ve got the time to visit 21 to 80 businesses in person, it’s far more efficient and effective to apply online.

With nearly 10 million jobs available right now[4], and because of its speed and reach, gives job seekers perhaps the best chance of landing a good job today, then at any time before.

You’ll find the technology behind is not only incredible at finding the job you’re looking for, but It’s remarkably easy to use.

Simply visit, enter the kind of job you’re looking for in the “Job Description” bar, and the place you want to work at in the “Location” bar…

And an entire world of new job opportunities will open up for you!

With this knowledge, the question of whether you should apply for a job in person, or online becomes pretty clear.

You should almost always apply online!

[1] 2023 HR Statistics: Job Search, Hiring, Recruiting & Interviews (

[2] How Long Do Recruiters Look at Resumes? – PitchMe

[3] Not Getting Any Offers? These 4 Things May Be Contributing to It (

[4] Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary – 2023 M02 Results (