
Never Do These 3 “Things” In a Job Interview

May 16, 2024 Share
Never Do These 3 “Things” In a Job Interview

The internet can be a tricky place. It’s like the wild, wild west. But if you look hard enough, social media platforms can sometimes (and we emphasize sometimes) offer you some very good, unbiased advice when it comes to your career.


If you’ve recently landed a job interview (congratulations!), you’ll need some of this good, unbiased advice to navigate the hiring process. Because remember, the other candidates you’re competing against, they’re going to do everything they can to beat you for the job.

Don’t let it happen. wants you to find a job and win the position. That’s why we’ve sifted through the good, the bad and the ugly on social media. And today, will reveal some very good (yet seemingly obvious) interview advice that we’ve discovered, and completely agree with.

And the best part about this advice?

It’s offered and posted directly on social media by hiring managers themselves. These are the people who interview sometimes hundreds of job candidates. So, listening to them, and taking their words seriously could really give you that edge you’re looking for.

So, let’s get to it!

According to social media posts we’ve reviewed from verified HR professionals, these are the three things you should never do in a job interview..:[1]

1) Never use Ai like ChatGPT to answer questions in a virtual interview.

One HR manager said, “I did a video interview with a lady who, after a few questions, made it painfully obvious that she was just feeding the questions into ChatGPT and reading back the answers.

“Her answers were rambling essays defining a key word in the question rather than answering it. I asked her about her proudest accomplishment, and she said "some things that people often feel a sense of accomplishment about include” ...

'This told me she either knew nothing about the position or had so little confidence in her skills that she would need to be constantly shadowed rather than being able to eventually work independently. Both are instant “no".”

2) For an in-person interview, HR folks often complain about candidate hygiene. Never go into an interview unless you’re clean, wearing nice clothes and you’ve brushed your teeth. Pro tip, take a breath mint a few moments before the interview (and finish it before talking).

3) Unless you’re applying for a summer job, and you’re 15 years old, never show up to an interview with a parent or guardian.

One hiring manager said of this, “'Any level of parental involvement in the interview, especially someone who brings their parent to an interview, is a no. Parent calls to schedule or reschedule the interview? Pass. Bring a parent to the interview? Immediate pass.”

Now, all three of these “don’t do” bullet points may all seem obvious. But according to these HR pros, they happen a lot.

Take their advice… don’t do any of them.

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[1] I'm in HR - this is what makes me instantly reject a candidate during a job interview | Daily Mail Online