
Need a Paycheck? Apply For One of These Jobs

Sep 19, 2024 Share

Being between jobs can be, well, stressful. It can be especially stressful if there are zero open positions for the job you really want, or no positions available that are even remotely close to it…

Leaving you waiting, hoping and hunting until that particular job becomes available.

How long will it take? Who knows.

But, in the meantime, you still need a paycheck. You still need money, because the bills keep piling up. You can’t wait on that job forever.

If this sounds like the situation you find yourself in, take a deep breath and know this: There are opportunities out there for you; and that dream position of yours will open, eventually. You just have to bide your time, the right way, and jump at the chance of getting paid… in the meantime.

You see, instead of simply waiting for something up your alley to open up, consider applying for an “in-between” job. In-between jobs, or bridge jobs, may not only help you pay the bills, but they could give you the opportunity to gain even more marketable skills while you wait for that dream position to open up.

Today, will show you some in-between jobs you should consider applying for, we’ll show you how to find one of them…

And we’ll also show you how you can find that job you really want, even if you didn’t think the position is available (hint: it might actually be).

So, what are some of the in-between jobs you can find, right now, to help you get by?

Well, there are a ton of food service jobs available. And, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, some of these jobs can pay pretty good too. The average job in food service pays nearly $30k a year, or about $14.29 an hour.[1]

But, if you become a server or bartender, you could make a whole lot more. See, depending on where you work, you could take home perhaps $200 a shift. That equates to $52k a year!

But, if food service isn’t for you, perhaps try searching for jobs as a freelancer. It’s estimated that over 76 million Americans are offering their services as freelancers this year, and by 2028, that number is expected to surpass 90 million.[2]

And get this, if you don’t think your skills transfer to the freelance market, think again. Companies hire freelancers for just about everything… and some of these freelance jobs can turn into permanent positions!

Now, with the holidays quickly approaching, a lot of companies will be hiring temporary, seasonal workers. These jobs range from retail to delivery drivers to sales associates to decorators, and everything in between.

Last year alone, US retailers hired a whopping 564,200 seasonal workers.[3] And it’s likely to be close to the same this year. Aldi, for example, just announced it will be hiring 13,000 seasonal workers, at increased pay![4]

So, if you’re stressed out about not being able to find your dream position, you should really consider taking some in-between work until that dream job becomes available.

Here’s how to find and in-between job:

Simply go to our homepage at and type in “food service”, “freelance”, “seasonal” or even “Aldi”, as well as the area of the country you live, right there in the advanced search bar…

And click “View Jobs.” Your options will appear.

Now, like we said earlier, there may be a job you really want that is available, but you haven’t been able to find it. So, try typing that job and your location into our advanced job search bar…

Click “View Jobs” …

And see if it’s available!

[1] Food and Beverage Serving and Related Workers : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (

[2] Gig economy: number of freelancers in the U.S. 2017-2028 | Statista

[3] 2023 Seasonal Hiring Final Report: Retailers Staff Up For Solid Holiday Shopping Season, Transportation/Warehousing Employment Falls YOY | Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. (

[4] Aldi to hire 13,000 seasonal employees, raise pay ahead of holidays - Bring Me The News