
How to Become a Travel Agent

Jan 11, 2024 Share
happy young successful female business traveler

These jobs are on the move, literally!

If you’ve got that travel bug, or just love helping your friends choose where to go on vacation, where to stay, what to eat, what to sites see and what kinds of things to do while they’re there…

Maybe you should think about working in the travel industry. Maybe you should become a travel agent!

It’s a whole lot of fun, and people like you are needed.

Now, today’s travel industry is much different than it used to be. In fact, it’s completely different. Not that long ago, you pretty much had to go to a brick-and-mortar travel agency in order to get an airline ticket or book a hotel room.

You basically had little other choice.

Maybe you remember them. They had posters of faraway beaches plastered on the walls, the agent usually wore a Hawaiian shirt and polyester pants, and they often offered “exclusive” cruise packages you could only get from them…

And there might have been only 1 travel agency in town, leaving travelers little choice when it came to booking trips.

Boy have things changed.

Now, with online booking for everything from plane tickets and hotel rooms to rental cars, cruises, excursions, dinner reservations, and more, the choices for travelers have become incredible, and the need for professionals in the travel industry has…

Actually grown!

Yep, travel agents are in demand.

In a moment, will show you how to become a travel agent, and perhaps the easiest way to find a job in the travel industry. But first, let’s go over some facts, and look at some of the opportunities out here.

According to a recent article in Conde Nast Traveler, “When people ventured back into the world after the pandemic, [the travel industry] saw an overwhelming amount of business….

And that momentum hasn’t stopped—when travel is complicated, like it was in 2020 and 2021, travelers turned to professional trip planners to create a seamless vacation.”

[1] Forbes Magazine just put out an article saying air travel will boom in 2024.

[2] And said, “Job openings for the leisure and hospitality segment (travel) of the U.S. economy remain disproportionately high compared to other industries.

[3] So even though technology has changed, the need for travel agents hasn’t really diminished much, if at all.

In fact, a report by Research and Markets called Online Travel Agent Global Market Report 2023, says…

In a world where digital convenience reigns supreme, the global online travel agent market is a dynamic and rapidly growing sector. Online travel agents facilitate hassle-free booking of travel services such as flights, hotels, rental cars, busses, and vacation packages through online channels.”

[4] See, the demand is high and there are job opportunities in the travel industry for you, whether you want to become a travel agent or not.

But if you do want to become a travel agent…

How to become a travel agent

While some employers require little or no training whatsoever to get into the travel industry, some travel agencies may require you to have an education in travel or hospitality, or a certification as a travel agent.

These certifications, a Certified Travel Associate (CTA), a Certified Travel Counselor (CTC) or a Certified Travel Industry Executive (CTIE) can be earned online if the job you’re looking for requires one.

How to find a job in the travel industry

Regardless of whether you have a certification or not, chances are there are jobs in the travel industry for you. All you have to do is go to our homepage, and type the word “Travel” into our Job Description search bar, and where it is that you want to work from in our Location search bar.

If you’ve got a certification as an agent, simply type “Travel Agent” …

Once you do, an entire world of travel industry opportunities will open up for you… even remote jobs as a travel agent!

Meaning you don’t have to go into an office to work, and you can pursue your passion of helping others with their travels…

Right from home.

Good luck!

[1] How to Become a Travel Agent—Because, Believe It or Not, the Industry Is on the Rise | Condé Nast Traveler (

[2] Survey Predicts Air Travel Boom For 2024: What It Means For Passengers (

[3] Leisure and Hospitality Job Openings Remain Disproportionately High | TravelPulse

[4] Online Travel Agent Global Market Report 2023 (