
How To Answer This Interview Question: “Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?”

Jan 9, 2024 Share
job applicants are holding a resume document

Where do you see yourself in five years? That’s a question you’re likely to be asked in a job interview, and it can be tricky to answer. Should you be brutally honest? Should you maybe tell a small white lie? Or perhaps you should just go bold faced and make up a whopper?

Well, believe it or not, there is a good way to answer this question if you really want the job. And hiring managers, those who ask it, know what they’re looking for in your answer. If you nail it, you’re upping your chances of success. We’ll get to what you should say if you’re asked this question in just a second. First, before you head in for a job interview, and ready yourself for this question, you’ll need to find a job. has made finding a job a snap. Whether you’re looking for entry level jobs, work from home jobs, mid-level jobs or you’re advanced in your career but are searching for a better opportunity, we can help, and help fast!

Just go to our homepage, type in what kind of job you’re looking for in the “Job Description” search bar, and where you want to work in the “Location” search bar, and all of your options will appear!

Now, back to how to answer, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

Let’s say you’re being interviewed by a manufacturing company called XYZ Manufacturing for a technician job to oversee the maintenance of its equipment.

So, which of the following six answers do you think are what hiring managers want to hear?

  • “In five years from now, I see myself running the company and growing it to new levels.”
  • “I don’t necessarily see myself working here in five years, but you never know.”
  • “Whether I stay in this industry or not, I’m excited for the opportunity to work here.”
  • “I’m just looking for something short term. I live for today, so five years from now?… I have no idea.”
  • “In five years, I expect to have been promoted five times, and my salary bumped up five times as well.”
  • “Although I’m not entirely sure, specifically where I’ll be in five years, I know I’m a deeply passionate technician, and I love the idea of continuing to grow at a company like XYZ Manufacturing”

If you answered 6, you’re right!

So why is #6 the right answer? Well, let’s first show you why all the others are wrong.

If you answer #1 to the hiring manager, they may think you’re boastful, arrogant, and overly confident. They’re interviewing you for a technician job, not CEO.

If you answer #2 to the hiring manager, they may think you’re not serious enough about sticking around. Companies don’t want a revolving door of employees. They want loyalty.

If you answer #3 to the hiring manager, they may think you’re simply “job shopping” and are not truly into manufacturing, just the paycheck.

If you answer #4 to the hiring manager, they may think you’re a flake, and you surely won’t stick around. Hiring managers are looking for employees that they can trust will show up on time and ready to work.

If you answer #5 to the hiring manager, they may think you are, like answer #1, boastful and overly confident. If you’re basically asking for a promotion before you’re even offered the job, you can forget about getting the offer in the first place.

Now, here’s why #6, “Although I’m not entirely sure, specifically where I’ll be in five years, I know I’m a deeply passionate technician, and I love the idea of continuing to grow at a company like XYZ Manufacturing” … is the right answer:

Nobody knows where they’ll be in five years, but by being honest and saying so, while also adding in that you’re passionate about the position, and want to grow with the company…

You’re telling the hiring manager you’re levelheaded and want to be with the company for the long term.

Now that you know how to best answer this tricky question, head over to’s homepage to find the job you’re looking for.