
High Paying Jobs That Only Require an Associate Degree

Mar 13, 2025 Share
High Paying Jobs That Only Require an Associate Degree

The more education you have, the better the salary at your job will be, right? Well, for a lot of jobs this is probably true. But not for all jobs.

You see, while the average master’s degree holder makes about $90,000 a year[1] (after having spent 6 years or so in college), some master’s degree holders make far less than that average.

In fact, people who have a master’s degree in counseling make an average of just $50,676 a year.[2] That’s $27,000 less than the average bachelor’s degree holder makes.[3]

So, not all degrees are created equal, and the more education you have doesn’t necessarily translate into a bigger paycheck. And that’s why today, will share some great paying jobs you can find that only require an associate degree.

The best part is, all the jobs we’ll share with you pay about as much, or better than average jobs that require a bachelor’s degree. And some of them pay even more than the average master’s degree holder makes.

Now, keep in mind that these jobs are degree specific. Meaning you will have to have at least an associate degree in these fields in order to qualify for the job. So, if any of the below jobs interest you, but you don’t have the necessary qualifications, head over to

They can help connect you with a degree program than fits your needs. And, because an associate degree generally takes only two years to complete, and many of them can be earned online, getting one is something you might want to consider…

Especially after seeing the pay the following jobs offer.

Here we go!

According to, there are at least 10 great paying jobs that only require an associate degree. They are, in no particular order:[4]

Aircraft and avionics equipment mechanic and technician: Median annual pay - $75,400.

Respiratory therapist: Median annual pay - $77,960.

Air traffic controller: Median annual pay - $137,380.

Dental hygienist: Median annual pay - $87,530.

Nuclear technician: Median annual pay - $101,740.

Aerospace engineering and operations technologist/technician: Median annual pay - $77,830.

Radiation therapist: Median annual pay - $98,300.

Diagnostic medical sonographer – cardiovascular technologist/technician: Median annual pay - $80,850.

Radiologic or MRI technologist: Median annual pay - $76,020.

Nuclear medicine technologist: Median annual pay - $92,500.

As you can see, a lot of these great paying jobs that only require an associate degree are in healthcare. And there’s a good reason why. The healthcare industry is among the fastest growing industries in America, and a lot of new workers are needed…

And salaries have been on the rise!

So, if you already qualify for one of these jobs, a healthcare job or otherwise, head to our homepage at and type in the job you’re looking for, and the location you want to work…

And click “View Jobs.”

It’s that easy!

But, again, if you don’t yet qualify for any of these jobs but are interested in earning an associate degree so you can qualify, check out

Here’s to your future.

[1] Average College Graduate Salaries: 2024 Projections | Bankrate

[2] The worst master's degrees for jobs U.S. 2021 | Statista

[3] Average College Graduate Salaries: 2024 Projections | Bankrate

[4] 10 High-Paying Jobs That Require Only Associate Degrees in 2025 | Nasdaq