
Good Paying Jobs in The Service Industry… And How to Find One

Jan 10, 2024 Share
customer service representatives assisting clients

Did you know that the service industry isn’t limited to just hotel and restaurant work? The industry includes practically any kind of business that provides a service for a customer.

In fact, this wide-ranging industry covers everything from customer service representatives and florists, all the way to waste management specialists and even airline workers. It’s huge!

And since the industry is so large, there are literally thousands of different types of jobs you can find. And the best way to find a job in the service industry is to use’s advanced search engine technology. We’ll show you how in just a minute.

But before we do, you’ll want to know about some of the good paying jobs in the service industry that are available, right now.

Keep in mind, workers in restaurants, hotels and resorts can make good money, especially it they’re working in a “tipping” environment (you can find these jobs too at

But today, we’re going to focus on good paying jobs in the service industry that are not associated with hotels and restaurants. Now, some of these jobs you see below do require some post-secondary education, while others may only require a high school diploma.

So if you’re interested in any of the jobs in the service industry you’ll see below, but you don’t have your degree or certification to qualify for them, head on over to and they’ll connect you to a school or degree program that can help get you educated and ready for an exciting career in the service industry.

Now, to the jobs…[1]

Let’s start with Retail Store Manager. With just a high school diploma and some good leadership skills, you could potentially earn an average of $46,890 a year!

If you have a degree in hospitality or event planning, you could earn about $49,470 a year as an Event Planner.

Another good paying job that only requires a high school diploma is an Online Chat Support Specialist. They earn an average of $36,920 a year, and often have room for advancement.

You could work as a Bank Teller and earn an average of $36,310 a year, also with just a high school diploma.

Community Service Managers can earn a great living. With your degree in social work, business administration or public health, you could earn an average salary of between $46,550 and $117,650.

Now, if you only have your high school diploma, you could work as a Customer Service Representative and earn an average of $36,920 a year.

With your degree in communications or business management, you could be a Call Center Manager and earn between $78,800 and $104,500.

Technical Support Representatives only need a high school diploma to earn an average of about $57,910.

If you have your degree in social work, sociology, or counseling, you can find a job as a Patient Care Coordinator and earn between $83,180 and $102,910.

With your certification from the FAA and a high school diploma, you could work as a Flight Attendant and earn a good salary of $61,640 a year.

Now, keep in mind, these are just a small sample of the jobs available in the service industry. As we said earlier, there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the industry.

But most jobs in the service industry do have one thing in common: You’ll generally need to be polite, friendly and customer oriented. As the saying goes, in the service industry a smile is worth a thousand words.

If you’re looking for a job in the service industry, the best way to find one is to review all of your options at

Our advanced search engine technology is simple to use.

Just enter the type of job you’re looking for in the “Job Description” search bar, and where it is you want to work in the “Location” search bar…

And click “View Jobs.”

It’s that simple!

With thousands of service industry jobs available right now, chances are, with, you may very well find the good paying service job you really want.

[1] The Top 15 Highest Paying Jobs in Consumer Services (