
Do I Need a Cover Letter?

Sep 21, 2022 Share
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Your resume is perfect. Your skills and experience can’t be beat. And now, that job you just applied for… It’s going to be yours, right?

Well, maybe, maybe not.

Although we’re in the midst of one of the hottest jobs markets in decades, and thousands of top-notch employers are hungry for your services, there are now more qualified candidates than ever, vying for the job you want. And because employers are offering bigger salaries and better benefits packages than ever before, the competition for the job you want has become fierce.

Unfortunately, even if your resume shows you’re clearly the most qualified person for the job, another lesser qualified candidate may be hired instead of you.

Why? Employers need a good reason to read your resume in the first place.

To put it simply, If a lesser candidate’s resume is noticed, and yours isn’t, you’re not getting the job.

In order to make your resume stand out from the rest, and show employers that you are the right person for the job, you have to add one simple, yet oft forgotten component to your resume…

The cover letter.

Even though job postings from employers may say that a cover letter is optional (if they mention it at all), including a cover letter should not be an option for you.

In fact, if you really want the job, including a cover letter is a MUST.

You see, over half of employers, 53% to be exact, say a resume alone is not enough information when it comes to choosing candidates.[1] Employers want more information from you. The kind of information that’s included in a cover letter.

Moreover, a recent survey of 236 hiring managers showed that 87% of these decision makers read cover letters, and only 13% of them don’t. [2]

But just 47% of job seekers write and include cover letters with their resumes.[3]

Since less than half of all job candidates include a cover letter, and almost all employers want to read them, adding one to your resume will give you an enormous leg-up on the competition.

So, if you’re asking, “do I need a cover letter?”

If you really want the job, the answer is yes.

Now, before we give you some tips on what to include in an effective cover letter, you’re going to want to find the best job for you. After all, finding a great job is the reason you need a cover letter in the first place. has made finding a great job easier than ever before.

Simply go to and use the search bars to see the thousands of eager employers who have jobs posted and are ready to hear from you today.

Of course, once you find the job you’re looking for at, and your resume is all set to go, you’re going to want to add your cover letter before submitting for the position.

Here’s what an effective cover letter should include:

  • All your contact information in the heading
  • The name of the hiring manager in the salutation
  • A strong, eye-grabbing opening paragraph
  • Explanations of why you’re the best person for the job
  • A showing of your experience as it pertains to the company’s needs
  • A concise, strong closing paragraph
  • A warm, genuine valediction

The contact information you include in your cover letter should be professional. Never use an offensive or questionable email address.

Be sure that when addressing the hiring manager in your greeting, you use their proper name. If you do a little research, chances are you can find their name rather quickly.

By personalizing your cover letter in this manner, you’re showing the hiring manager you’ve done your homework. Carry your company research throughout the rest of your cover letter, focusing not on you and your needs, but on how you can fulfill their needs.

Keep it short. Your cover letter only needs to be 250 to 350 words. This may sound like a lot of words, but Its only about a page long.

Be sure to thank the hiring manager for their time and let them know you’re always ready to chat with them… always!

Now, before submitting your cover letter along with your resume, conduct a spell check on all your documents. Poor grammar and misspelled words may disqualify you as a candidate, regardless of your skillset.

With just 47% of job seekers using cover letters, adding one to your resume will greatly increase the chances that you get noticed and you get the job!

Right now, there are thousands of employers in the network who want to know more about you… and they are hiring.

Get noticed on!

[1] Do I Need a Cover Letter? Are Cover Letters Necessary in 2022 (

[2] Do I Need a Cover Letter? Answers From Hiring Professionals | The Muse

[3] Do I Need a Cover Letter? Are Cover Letters Necessary in 2022 (