
11 Reasons You’re Not Getting The Job

Oct 19, 2023 Share
filling out a job employment application

Here’s What You May Be Doing Wrong

  • Your resume is not tailored to the specific job you’re applying for
  • You’re lying about skills and experience
  • You haven’t proofread your resume; it’s loaded with grammatical errors
  • You’re using Ai to write your cover letter (yes HR can tell if you are)
  • You’ve come to an interview unprepared
  • You listed references before speaking with them first
  • You’ve show up for an interview, without an invite
  • You’re interview answers are obviously bunk
  • You didn’t respond back to an employer within 24 hours
  • You changed your salary requirements after the interview
  • You gave up

Want free tips on how to better your chances of landing a job? Head over to and check out our free job finding resources. We give you advice on resume writing, what to put in your cover letter, how to prepare for an interview, how to find a job and much more.

And it’s all FREE!