
10 “Red Flag” Words to Avoid in A Job Interview… And 5 “Green Flag” Words You Should Use

Oct 26, 2023 Share
at the job interview

Job interviews can be nerve racking. You don’t really know what the hiring manager is going to ask you, how friendly they’ll be with you, or if they’re going to try to trick you with some odd questions.

You can prepare all you want, but you never really know what’s going to happen, until it does.

But don’t be nervous. is here to help you better prepare for a job interview. Afterall, not only can we help you find a job, but our resources page offers you all sorts of tips on how to better structure your resume, how to get a promotion, how to answer tricky interview questions and more.

Of course, you’ll need to find a job first before any interview questions happen…

And we’ll show you a great way to find a job in just a second.

First, it doesn’t matter if you’re a perfect fit for the job and are cool, calm, and collected under pressure, there are certain “red flag” words you should always avoid during a job interview. These “red flag” words, no matter how harmless you present them, can really turn off a hiring manager to your candidacy.

On the flipside, there are certain “green flag” words you should be using to up your chances at landing the job. We’ll go over both, starting with the “red flag” words to avoid.

Now, keep in mind the following list of words aren’t really words, but phrases. Ready?

A study from recruitment experts shows you shouldn’t say:[1]

  • “I’m so motivated”
  • “I’m a team player”
  • “I give 110%”
  • “I’m a good communicator”
  • “my best quality is being proactive”
  • “I’m a self-starter”
  • “One of my main qualities is creativity”
  • “My weakness is working too hard”
  • “My weak point is I’m a perfectionist”
  • “I perform best under pressure”

Now, these all seem like things you should be saying in a job interview. But, in fact, hiring managers see these phrases as lazy clichés. And you should always avoid cliché when trying to get a job.

So, what should you say instead?

Well, the same study from recruitment experts says you should work in the following “green flag” phrases:

  • “One of my key qualities is self-awareness”
  • “My natural curiosity helps me progress”
  • “I’m a constructive communicator”
  • “These are the impacts I’ve made in my previous role”
  • “I’d like to learn more from your company values”

While some of these “green flag” phrases seem a lot like some of the “red flag” phrases you shouldn’t say, they’re not the same at all.  See, these 5 phrases show you’re actually more creative with your responses, rather than just saying you’re creative.

So, keep these five “green flag” phrases in mind when you are in your job interview, they could really help!

Now, before you get that job interview, you’ll first need to find a job you like. There is maybe no easier way to do that than with

All you have to do is go to the homepage, type in the type of job you’re looking for in the “Job Description” search bar, where it is you want to work in the “Location” search bar…

And you’re off to the races!

[1] I’m a recruitment expert – here’s five phrases to say during an interview to make sure you get the job (and the 10 clichés to avoid) | Daily Mail Online